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OPR3D-Tran  Detail Features


 Tran is a program dedicated to 3D conversion file  such as STEP, IGES, Parasolid, JT, 3D PDF to convert collectively by reading the files of various programs such as CATIA, UG NX, Pro-E. The benefits of the OPR3D Tran, is a fast conversion speed and  it has excellent compatibility. So, business of file conversion that time consuming and inconvenient will be quick and easy

Supportable file format


CATIA V5 & V4(*.CATPart,*.CATProduct, *.model ), UG NX(*.prt),

Creo(Pro-E, *.prt,*.asm), SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, STEP, CGR,

IGES, Parasolid, Prc, IFC, ACIS(*.sat), U3D,Rhino, 3D PDF

Support convert file formats


STEP(*.stp), IGES(*.igs), Parasolid(*.x_T), 3D PDF(*.pdf) , JT,
STL, OPR3D, ACIS(*.sat), PRC, U3d, VRML


-> Offers fast conversion speed and provides excellent compatibility 

** Can read in adobe PDF reader 9 or higher version without any specific viewer program when convert to 3D PDF file

Variety of management features to convert


  • Provides folder selection feature selection and feature multiple file


  • The ability to specify the order of the files to be converted


  • The option can be set for each type of file conversion


  • Change the name of the file to be converted


  • Can check the conversion time and conversion error, whether generated

Support preview of the converted file waiting (Detail View)


  • You can see the shape of the converted files waiting in the Detail View function


  • Expansion / Contraction, and Rotation functions are supported

Separation assembly and part files Merge files conversion


  • Select the assembly file and selecting only the part to be converted here


  • Supports the ability to convert files (Merge) one together multiple part files

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상호: (주)디아이티웍스 / 디아이티

 사업자번호: 119-81-97147 

 대표자: 한진국


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남부지사: 울산광역시 남구 옥현로 65 2F   Tel: 070-4919-8989

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