OPR3D-Tran Detail Features
Tran is a program dedicated to 3D conversion file such as STEP, IGES, Parasolid, JT, 3D PDF to convert collectively by reading the files of various programs such as CATIA, UG NX, Pro-E. The benefits of the OPR3D Tran, is a fast conversion speed and it has excellent compatibility. So, business of file conversion that time consuming and inconvenient will be quick and easy

Supportable file format
CATIA V5 & V4(*.CATPart,*.CATProduct, *.model ), UG NX(*.prt),
Creo(Pro-E, *.prt,*.asm), SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, STEP, CGR,
IGES, Parasolid, Prc, IFC, ACIS(*.sat), U3D,Rhino, 3D PDF

Support convert file formats
STEP(*.stp), IGES(*.igs), Parasolid(*.x_T), 3D PDF(*.pdf) , JT,
STL, OPR3D, ACIS(*.sat), PRC, U3d, VRML
-> Offers fast conversion speed and provides excellent compatibility
** Can read in adobe PDF reader 9 or higher version without any specific viewer program when convert to 3D PDF file

Variety of management features to convert
Provides folder selection feature selection and feature multiple file
The ability to specify the order of the files to be converted
The option can be set for each type of file conversion
Change the name of the file to be converted
Can check the conversion time and conversion error, whether generated

Support preview of the converted file waiting (Detail View)
You can see the shape of the converted files waiting in the Detail View function
Expansion / Contraction, and Rotation functions are supported

Separation assembly and part files Merge files conversion
Select the assembly file and selecting only the part to be converted here
Supports the ability to convert files (Merge) one together multiple part files