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MODView-Pro Detail Features
Pro product allows you to use a variety of advanced features than the function of the product Standard. It provides a variety of fabulous and powerful functions such as “Projection Area”, “Interference Check”, “B.O.M”, “Explode”, "Analyze Radius" “Analyze Draft Angle”, “Analyze Under Cut”, “Create 3D AVI”, “Scene Manager” and “Fitting BoundBox”.

Projection Area
- Automatic calculation of the projected area such as XY/YZ/ZX Plane, Perpendicular plane
- Automatic calculation of the projected area / outer area / inner area
- Save the IGES/DWG to the projected shape that is generated

Create BOM (Bill of Material)
- Create assembly B.O.M with one selection
- Automatic balloon display and manual placement support
- BOM creation contents can be saved as an Excel file
BOM can be projected in 2D to display balloon and save as dwg

Create Family Chart
- Automatically generates flow charts of assemblies with one selection
- The flow chart can be saved as an Excel file (.xlsx), and it can be projected as 2D and saved as a dwg file
- It is convenient to create flow chart which is used frequently by auto parts maker

Interference Check
- Automatically check interference by entering a value in the range between two parts
- Automatic detection contact portion with the interference and express by color
- Paste in the document by copying the image of the interference part

Analyze Draft Angle and Under Cut
- Measure draft angle conveniently and it can be displayed angle by color
- Under Cut is displayed by color, support minimum and maximum draft angle
- Determine the angle and coordinate immediately by using mouse
- Used in injection mold design
Time Line (Create .avi file)
- Easily create video files (. avi) by registering the contents of MODView work into a timeline
- Save work as a movie easily in the MODView
- It can be saved to “.mv3d” what you have work, and can be modified or edited to read again
- Click on a video on the left, and please watch a demo movie

- Create a state in which the decomposition of the shape that assembled complex
- Explode by the linear / sphere / part
- Save as a scene disassembled state

Seane Save
- To save the current working conditions and back to the scene at any time
- Create a video file by using the saved scenes
- When you save a generated scene as opr3d, that registered scene will also be stored

Fitting BoundBox
- Without setting, simply measure the outer size of the product that is inclined
- Products assembled complex, check immediately with one click outline size of each component
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